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Acquisitions and Cataloging Section

 Section Chief  Ms. Chang, Shu-Nu  

‧Comprehensive management of acquisitions and cataloguing services
‧Controls books and periodicals funding and e-resources fees
‧Purchases, subscribes, and follows-up on occidental books and newspapers
‧Purchases, subscribes, and follows-up on e-books, and databases
‧Collects and compiles domestic and foreign book lists, and sends them to each faculty for reference
‧Manages and gathers statistics of the whole collection
‧Emergency purchases
‧Bibliography archiving,importing and maintenance
‧Acquisitions and cataloguing system management
‧E-books and occidental books classifying and cataloguing
‧All other related matters/p>

Contact: direct no. 07-5919125 or ext. 8730      E-Mail: sic9125@nuk.edu.tw

Officer Ms. Pan, Li-Chuan

‧Compiles faculty and readers’ book recommendations, and checks for duplicates
‧Purchases, subscribes,on oriental books and monthly arrivals
‧Purchases of audio/visual materials
‧Audio/visualmaterials bibliography archiving,importing and maintenance
‧Audio/visual materials’ classifying and cataloguing
‧Classifiesand compiles of oriental books purchased using subsidiary funds
‧Replies to faculty and readers’ on recommendation status
‧Registers, inspects, and catalogues oriental materials purchased by departments and divisions
‧Oriental books classifying and cataloguing
‧Purchases, subscribes, and follows-up on journals
‧All other related matters

Contact: direct no. 07-5919124 or ext. 8731    E-Mail: ljp630@nuk.edu.tw

Administrative Assistant Ms. MAO, Yi-Dan

‧Handles book donations and related matters
‧Assists book inspections, compilations and purchases
‧Assists book classifications and cataloguing
‧Further Processing of books
‧Manages and processes the section’s part-time student and volunteer work hours
‧Notifies of new book arrival
‧All other related matters

Contact: direct no. 07-5919308 or ext. 8732    E-Mail: mao2379@nuk.edu.tw

Administrative Assistant Ms. LIN, Yu Qing

‧Automated journal system management and maintenance
‧Journals collection, registration, cataloguing and management
‧Organize, register, manage and maintain donated journals
‧Online update of the national periodicals joint directory
‧Periodicals area management
‧Journal repairs, and collections updates
‧Volunteers management
‧All other related matters

Contact: direct no. 07-5919481 or ext. 8733    E-Mail: yuchi322@nuk.edu.tw


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