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Guidelines for NUK LIC Research Room


Guidelines for NUK LIC Research Room

1. The Research Room only open for postgraduate students.

2. Borrowing details

    2.1 One-day loan: There are 12 Research Rooms for one-day loan in the Library. Patrons can borrow the keys with student IDs from the circulation desk and the keys should be returned before the Library is closed. Those one-day loan Research Rooms can not be renewed and are not allowed for reservation.

    2.2 30-day loan: There are 12 Research Rooms for 30-day loan in the Library. 30-day loan Research Rooms can be renewed twice on the Internet 4 days before the due date. Patrons can place a hold on only one Research Room which is on loan by Internet. The Research Rooms will be reserved for 5 days at the circulation desk when the borrower returns it.

    2.3 Any other matters not set forth hereof shall be subject to the noticeboard of the Library.

3. Other related guidelines

    3.1 If the borrower has lost the key, please inform the circulation desk immediately. The borrower should afford the full cost to repair the lock.

    3.2 Return the key to the circulation desk before the due date. Do not leave the key in the book-drop box.

    3.3 Any infringement of the guidelines above will lead to the suspension of borrowing the Research Room. For one-day loan, each overdue of one day will incur suspension of borrowing the Research Room for three days. For 30-day loan, each overdue of one day will incur suspension of borrowing the Research Room for ten days. Those personal belongings left in the overdue Research Room will be removed to places the Library staff see fit.

    3.4 The borrower of the key must treat it with care. Do not copy the key or lend it to others. Any infringement of these guidelines may lead to the suspension of using the Library for such period as the librarians see fit. The offender is required to pay the full cost for changing a new lock.

    3.5 Please leave before the Library's close time and turn off the light and the air conditioner when leaving.

    3.6 Smoking, eating and drinking is not permitted anywhere in the Library.

    3.7 No post on the wall. Do not cover the window with things. Each user must treat the physical environment of the Research Room with respect.

    3.8 Do not bring Library materials unborrowed to the Research Rooms.

    3.9 As violating the 2nd and 4th~8th points of rules , library will be announcement trails, and borrower suspended thirty days (from the date of return of keys); the borrower shall return the key within seven days after returning announcement , or be permanent suspended.

    3.10 The last Thursday of each month is the cleaning day of the Research Room. There will be cleaning employees doing work on that day.

    3.11 Authorised persons may enter the Research Room without notice in advance.

    3.12 Personal belongings are the responsibility of the owner. The Library does not take responsibility for items left in the Research Rooms.

    3.13 Any other matters not set forth hereof shall be subject to the noticeboard of the Library.

4. This Guideline is approved by the Library Committee. and shall be promulgated after it is sanctioned by the president. The same will apply in the case of amendments and revisions.

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