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NUK Library Materials Usage Agreement

National University of Kaohsiung Library Materials Usage Agreement


Revised and Passed by the 5th Administrative Meeting on October 3, 2000

Revised and Passed by the 24th Administrative Meeting on May 21, 2002

Revised and Passed by the 51st Administrative Meeting on June 8, 2004

Revised and Passed by the 2nd Library Committee Meeting on March 23, 2005

Revised and Passed by the 2nd Library Committee Meeting on April 11, 2006

Revised and Passed by the 2nd Library Committee Meeting on April 18, 2007

Revised and Passed by the 1st Library Committee Meeting on October 22, 2008

Revised and Passed by the 24th University Affairs Meeting on December 23, 2011

Revised and Passed by the 25th University Affairs Meeting on June 22, 2012

Revised and Passed by the 27th University Affairs Meeting on June 21, 2013

Revised and Passed by the 111st Directors Meeting on March 13, 2015 and the 144th Administrative Meeting on April 10, 2015 and the 31st University Affairs Meeting on June 26, 2015


Article 1


The National University of Kaohsiung Library (hereafter referred to as the Library) in accordance with Article 8 of the Library Law formulates regulations to develop a university library’s function, ensure users’ equal access to its resources, services and facilities, and maintain order for learning, reading, and other library activities within its premises.  


Article 2 Library Users


2.1 The primary function of the Library is to serve the teaching, research, and scholarly activities of NUK faculty, staff, and students. NUK faculty, staff, and students are required to show valid IDs upon entering the Library.

2.2 Temporary and contract staff and adjunct faculty holding the card authorized  and issued by the Library are granted to borrow the same maximum number of books and have the same loan period as full-time staff.

2.3 Alumni with degrees or certifications from NUK (including students of credit/    non-credit programs at the Extension Education Center) may register for Alumni University Identification Cards that grant library privileges. Alumni are required to pay a deposit of $NT $ 3000 to borrow books and will receive it in return after they no longer wish to have borrowing privileges; the deposit will be returned without interest, less any fines or charges that may be due.

2.4 External groups or individuals with IDs may register for a temporary card to get   access to the Library collections with permission. Access to audio-visual and microform materials may be granted under the condition of not conflicting with the Library’s highest priorities to support the University’s teaching, learning, and research needs.

2.5 NUK VIP card holders who apply for the borrowing card authorized and issued by the Library may get access to the Library’s collections, facilities and checkout materials.

2.6 Students of credit programs at the Extensive Education Center may separately apply for borrowing privileges. 

2.7 Reciprocal borrowing privileges of interlibrary loan card holders are subject to the cooperative library agreement.

2.8 Immediate family members of NUK faculty/ staff may get access to the Library’s collections, facilities, and checkout materials after applying for borrowing privileges with the Immediate Family Members Card.

2.9 NUK retired faculty and staff may get access to the Library’s collections, facilities, and checkout materials after applying for borrowing privileges with certifications issued by the NUK Office of Personnel.


Article 3 Library Hours


3.1 Regular Semester Hours

3.1.1 The Library is open Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 10:00PM.

3.1.2 The Library is open Saturday through Sunday from 8:30AM to 5:00PM.

3.2 Opening hours are separately announced to change during national holidays and summer/ winter vacations or under special circumstances.   


Article 4 Loan Services


4.1 The Library manages books on open access (except special collections) and users can have access to books freely. Reference books, theses/ dissertations, current and bound periodicals, and audio-visual and microform materials are restricted for in-house use only. General books are open for borrowing.

4.2 Users with valid cards shall borrow, return, and, renew books half an hour after the opening time and before the closing time.

4.3 Loan Limits and Loan Periods


Loan Limit


Loan Period (days)

Renewal Period (days) & Max Renewals




60 (Twice)




60 (Twice)

Faculty & Research Staff



120 (Twice)






0 (No renewal)

Association Members



30 (Once)

VIP Card Holders/ All Other Designated External Members



60 (Twice)

Students of the Credit Program



0 (No renewal)

Retired Faculty and Staff



0 (No renewal)

Interlibrary Loan Card Holders

in accordance with regulations


0 (No renewal)

Immediate Family Members of Faculty/ Staff



0 (No renewal)


1. Alumni who apply for borrowing privileges are required to pay a deposit of NT $ 3000. (Members of Alumni Association NT $ 2000)

2. NUK adjunct faculty and students of credit programs who apply for borrowing privileges are required either to apply for the approval of departmental heads by filling out the form or to pay a deposit of NT $ 3000. Borrowing privileges will remain activated during the term of the letter of appointment or the current term of registration.  

3. NUK retirees have borrowing privileges that require the presentation of valid IDs to extend one year at a time.


4.4 Holds and Renewals


4.4.1 Users who have holding privileges may reserve books that have already been borrowed. The Library will notify users when books which users place holds on are returned. Those who fail to pick up reserved books five days after they arrive at the Library shall forfeit their rights. 

4.4.2 Users who have renewing privileges may renew borrowed books as long as there are no holds placed on borrowed books by other users. Users (except for alumni, students of credit programs, cooperative library card holders, NUK retirees and their family members) may renew their books for another load period and the renewal period is the same as the loan period.  


4.5 The Library has an audio-visual area where materials are restricted for in-house use only. Other regulations may apply as authorized by the Library responsible for the materials.


4.6 The Use of Special Collections


4.6.1 Special Collections referring to those materials ratified by the authorities concerned of the Government or advised by NUK faculty and resolved by the Library Committee Meeting or others approved by the Library are housed in a separate room.

4.6.2  NUK staff wishing for reading and photocopying materials may need the Library’s permission by filling out the application form with the approval of the departmental head (except for full-time lecturers and above). Materials are non-circulating and may be used in the Special Collections reading room. Photocopying charges will apply in respect of related regulations if copies need to be made.    

4.6.3 External groups and individuals may get access to materials on special permission.


Article 5 Overdue Fines


5.1 Users with outstanding obligation for overdue materials shall have their borrowing privileges suspended. A late fee of NT$ 5 per item per hour will be imposed on overdue materials.

5.2 Overdue fines shall be calculable immediately from the day following the due date until overdue materials are returned to the Library. Outstanding fines shall not exceed the price of an overdue material registered in the Library system and will accumulate up to a maximum charge of NT$ 5000 with one or more overdue items. Borrowing privileges shall be terminated until all overdue materials are returned and outstanding fines are cleared in a week.


Article 6 Replacement of Lost and Damage Materials


6.1 Users shall purchase the exact copies of originals or replace the original copies of earlier editions with newer editions within 60 days when the borrowed materials are lost or damaged. If replacement copies of lost materials are unavailable from repurchase or through used book vendors, the Library may, at its discretion, accept related materials with the approval of faculty in related fields and disciplines.

6.2 Users shall be held responsible for damage to the Library facilities without due care and shall be liable to restore damaged facilities or purchase identical new ones until full restitution to the library has been made.


Article 7 Supplementary Regulations


7.1 The Library shall have the discretion to formulate special regulations regarding charging fees as deemed appropriate for the use of high-cost library facilities and the proper management of special areas of the library.

7.2 The Library has lockers available for users to store personal belongings temporarily and will not be responsible for the safe keeping and any loss or damage of belongings left behind. Users shall take personal belongings with them when leaving the Library. The lockers are intended for day-use only and will be emptied every day at the closing time.

7.3 Drinks and food are not allowed in the Library.

7.4 Users who enter the Library with no valid IDs or counterfeited ones and give no heed to library staff’s admonitions shall have their borrowing privileges suspended until users comply with the requests made by library staff. 


Article 8 

The regulation is passed by library committee meetings, administrative meetings, and university affairs meetings and shall be promulgated after it is sanctioned by the president. The same will apply in the case of amendments and revisions.





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